
The National Interest Foundation Newsletter, Issue 50

The National Interest Foundation Newsletter Issue 50, June 18, 2020 Welcome to our NIF Newsletter. In this…

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The National Interest Foundation Newsletter, Issue 49

The National Interest Foundation Newsletter Issue 49, June 11, 2020 Welcome to our NIF Newsletter. In this…

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The National Interest Foundation Newsletter, Issue 48

The National Interest Foundation Newsletter Issue 48, June 4, 2020 Welcome to our NIF Newsletter. In this…

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The National Interest Foundation Newsletter, Issue 47

The National Interest Foundation Newsletter Issue 47, May 28, 2020 Welcome to our NIF Newsletter. In this…

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Enclaves and Overcrowding: How the Israeli Government’s Discriminatory Land Practices Hinder the Growth of Palestinian Communities

Recent studies regarding the issue helped to uncover why Palestinian communities in Israel have been unable to…

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The Variation in Policy Toward Religious Groups Under the Trump Administration

Since taking office in early 2017, President Trump has touted himself and his administration as ardent defenders…

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The National Interest Foundation Newsletter, Issue 46

The National Interest Foundation Newsletter Issue 46, May 21, 2020 Welcome to our NIF Newsletter. In this…

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The National Interest Foundation Newsletter, Issue 45

The National Interest Foundation Newsletter Issue 45, May 14, 2020 Welcome to our NIF Newsletter. In this…

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The Foreign Policy Blob Strikes Back: We’re Just Fine, Proclaim Architects of Endless Wars

By Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute Ben Rhodes, who served as President Barack Obama’s…

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