The National Interest Foundation Newsletter, Issue 57

The National Interest Foundation Newsletter

Issue 57, August 6, 2020

Welcome to our NIF Newsletter. In this week’s headlines: a major explosion rocks the Lebanese capital city of Beirut, health experts warn that the United States is in a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic with the virus being extraordinarily widespread in both large cities and rural areas, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that a majority of Americans are critical of the Chinese government’s initial handling of the COVID-19 outbreak, and primary elections are held in the 5 states of Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington.

Major Explosion in Beirut

The explosion in Beirut occurred on Tuesday at around 6pm local time. (Photo from AP)

A Major Explosion Rocks the Lebanese Capital City of Beirut

A major explosion rocked the Lebanese capital of Beirut this week, after nearly 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded near the city’s port. At least 137 people have been confirmed dead, with another 5,000 injured and dozens unaccounted for. Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun confirmed that the ammonium nitrate that caused the explosion was not stored safely, and he expected repercussions for those responsible. The blast happened during a precarious time for Lebanon, amid a steepening economic crisis and disintegrating public trust in government officials. The destruction of Beirut’s port is likely to cause additional problems, as Lebanon is heavily dependent on imports and exports flowing through the port.

Health Experts Issue Warning

Dr. Deborah Birx stressed the importance of following health recommendations due to the prevalence of the virus. (Photo from Getty Images)

Health Experts Warn that the United States is in a New Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Deborah Birx warned that the United States is in a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the virus being extraordinarily widespread in both large cities and rural areas. She added that “what we are seeing today is different from March and April” and is much more extensive throughout the country than those spring outbreaks. Birx emphasized the danger of asymptomatic transmission and urged Americans in coronavirus hot spots to consider wearing a mask at home if they live with someone who is especially vulnerable. Dr. Anthony Fauci agreed with his colleague’s assessment regarding a new phase of the pandemic in which the virus is spreading uncontrolled in some states by asymptomatic carriers. Fauci noted that this “insidious” form of community spread makes it even more difficult to suppress and contain the overall outbreak.

New Pew Research Center Survey

New data from Pew Research indicates Americans have a growing level of unfavorability toward China. (Photo from Reuters)

Survey Finds that a Majority of Americans are Critical of the Chinese Government’s Initial Handling of the COVID-19 Outbreak

A new survey released by The Pew Research Center indicates rising American discontent toward China, particularly over Beijing’s handling of the initial COVID-19 outbreak in the country. According to the survey, 73% of American adults have an unfavorable view of China, and 64% also say that China did a poor job handling the coronavirus outbreak. Among other questions, the survey also solicited responses on Americans’ sentiment toward Xi Jinping and Sino-American relations as a whole. Tensions between China and the United States have increasingly risen as a result of the spread of COVID-19, as the countries implemented vastly different protocols to combat the virus.

Primary Elections in 5 States

Voters cast their ballots in the 5-state primary elections earlier this week. (Photo from Getty Images)

Primary Elections Held in Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington

Voters in Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington cast their ballots earlier this week in several key statewide elections. Some of the main election result takeaways include: primary wins for incumbent Senator Martha McSally and Democratic challenger Mark Kelly in Arizona, a Republican primary victory for Representative Roger Marshall in Kansas, and Democratic primary wins for incumbent Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in Michigan and political activist Cori Bush in Missouri. Tlaib – one of the first two Muslim women in Congress – won a challenge for her House seat in a rematch with Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones, while Bush unseated 10-term Representative William Lacy Clay. Tuesday night’s results also saw Missouri become the 38th state to approve the expansion of Medicaid.

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